Pipe output to the clipboard using clip.exe

Quick one today, a very simple trick I learned a few days ago: if you need to copy and paste your output from the console, instead of using the markup tools built in to cmd.exe, you can simply pass your output directly to the clipboard.  No big trick needed for this; just pipe the output to clip.exe and it will be put on the clipboard, ready to be pasted wherever you need.  It's built in to the OS, so you don't need to download and install anything.

Let's say I have a list of user account I've grabbed from Active Directory and saved to the variable $users, and I need to send that list in an email.  I could enter "$users" by itself on the command line, then select and hit enter to copy.  Then I would paste the list...and find I need to strip out all of the white space this creates. It's not hard, but it can be inconvenient sometimes, especially if it's a long list.

Instead, I could just run "$users | clip.exe" and get the same effect, only without jumping through hoops, without the chance of over or under selecting, and without selecting a bunch of extra white space.

It's really that easy.  Just add " | clip.exe" to the end and it will throw the screen output into the clipboard directly instead of on to the screen, and then you can paste it normally.